Breck's Bulbs

Breck’s has 195 Years of Experience Assures Superior Bulbs for Your Garden. No organization has more knowledge about which bulbs grow and bloom best in all sections of Canada than Breck's. We take advance reservations, and then just as soon as the crops are harvested, our staff of Dutch Bulb Experts ship your order direct to you from Holland. Breck's full-time staff of bulb experts spends the entire year in Holland devoting themselves to obtaining cream-of-the-crop bulbs for shipment to our customers in Canada. Our experts all come from Dutch families who have been growing and marketing bulbs for several generations. They know how to pick the very best. Ordering from Breck's is like having your own personal buyer right in Holland.

NAICS Category: 
Retail Trade
West Elgin
9353 Graham Road
West Lorne, ON N0L 2P0